Profitable Trading System
We would like to discuss the importance of mastering the execution of a profitable trading system, which is the second secret of professional traders’ success!
What are the characteristics of a profitable trading system?
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Master Trading Algo
Hello all traders! In this video, we will continue our discussion on the second secret of professional traders’ success, which is Mastering the Process and Algorithm (also known as Algo) of a Profitable Trading System!
To what extent is the contribution of three domains of knowledge - content knowledge, process knowledge, and conditional knowledge, critical to success in trading?
To answer this question and read more about comments/questions of other traders on this topic, please visit our blog by clicking below button:
Smart Drills Under LMS
We continue our discussion on the second secret of professional traders’ success, and outline the advantageous of using smart drills under a learning management system.
How is the learning attitude of professionals affected by the awareness of the Domains of Knowledge?
To answer this question and read more about comments/questions of other traders on this topic, please visit our blog by clicking below button: