Mastering the Process and Algorithm of a Profitable Trading System

Mastering an algorithmic trading process is a vital component of becoming a successful trader. So how does a new trader execute an algorithmic trading system effectively and efficiently? The key is to work smarter and not harder, to hone these essential skills of becoming consistently profitable in the financial markets. In this video, we will continue our discussion on the second secret of professional traders’ success, which is the importance of mastering the algorithmic trading process of a profitable trading system.

Use a Trading System with an Edge:

As we discussed earlier, using trading system with an edge assures that a trader stays profitable in the market in long run, even though the outcome of every single trade is not predictable. As a refresher, trading with an edge means that the trading system has a positive expectancy and is profitable.

Profitable trading positive expectancy trading

The Importance of Coaching in a Profitable Trading System:

However, having an efficient, profitable trading system is just the beginning. One needs proper training with a trading coach to develop the skill of executing such a great system. That is how top performers in many fields turn their talent, time, and knowledge into desirable valued skills- by practicing patiently under the best coaching system.

This is similar to developing the driving skills. A person needs to use a safe vehicle, followed by acquiring the skills of driving by many hours of practice under a good mentor, in order to develop the intuitive reflexes of safe driving.

Winning Trading System

As we emphasized earlier, a professional-minded person is skilled focused, and understands the importance of developing skills related to process and conditional knowledge, rather than just theoretical knowledge.


How Important are the Three Domains of Knowledge to Master Trading Processes?

Based on our experience in various markets, such as stocks, futures, options, and forex, to master trading skills, most traders require to learn the proportions of:

  • 20% Content knowledge
  • 30% Process knowledge
  • 50% Conditional knowledge
master trading proccess with contribution of knowledge2

While the content knowledge of trading can be acquired through self-studying, the ability to apply process and conditional knowledge to specific market situations requires a significant amount of mentorship time and a trading coach.

Unfortunately, most amateurs are knowledge-centered, and invest their time and talent excessively only on the content knowledge of trading, such as reading books, watching vides, and attending webinars.

Winning Trading System
professional traders

On the other hand, professionals are skill-centered and understand that knowledge does not turn into skill automatically.
They know that to master trading processes, they must know the value of process and conditional situations in trading. Professionals patiently focus on developing their algorithmic trading process skills, which requires lots of practice and coaching under deliberate practice. Understanding these concepts will have significant impact on an aspiring trader’s attitude and planning toward proper training. 

Professionals can develop their algorithmic trading process skills in many ways, such as:

professional develope their trading skills by deliberately practicing under the best experience trading coach
Winning Trading System

Learning algorithmic trading processes can be facilitated by using a well-designed smart drills under convenient modern Learning Management System, also known as LMS. This will  be discussed in further detail in the blog post “Smart Drills Under a Learning Management System for Trading”!

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