Introduction to Trading Personalization: Understanding its Crucial Role in a Trader's Success

This lesson of module 12, workshop 34, I will discuss the topic of trading personalization. First, let me congratulate you as you have come a long way to complete all past 11 modules that covered basic to advanced price action and also the setup T conditions, the five algorithms for the entry and also macro risk evaluation.

All of these are important for your high consistency and also your high win rate in real market. So now what some of you may have in your mind is that what I’m gonna do with this skill, what market, instrument, timeframe and so on is the best for me to trade and all of these questions are in fact are covered under the topic of trading personalization.

best coaching

Comprehensive Deliberate Practice Training System

This topic is in fact important for all high performance elite training programs. For example, if you are a runner and receive all necessary training and ready for competition, you have to still find the right shoes and that has to be based on your size, your style of running, it has to be a stable, comfortable and at the competition level so it can give you an edge and you have a maximum chance of winning.

deliberate practice trading with trading coach

Training Development

You have to find these shoes with the help of your coach and pay for it and practice with that. Or if you went to the pilot training school and received all theoretical knowledge, gained all necessary skillsets by flight simulators, and also some training with simple airplanes with flight instructors.

Training Development

Constant Monitoring by a Coach

trade coaching for immediate feedback and constantly monitor trading test

At the end of your course, you have to still evaluate what airplanes and career path is suitable for you as a pilot. So to become a professional trader, in this module, you have to understand all variables that comes from the method, psychology, and money and risk management.

Learning Management System (LMS)

These variables, such as dollar loss tolerance, time frame, instrument, broker, and trade size, all of them are important in your trading success. You have to understand them in theory so we can help you to know yourself and find all these that are best for you so you can become a consistent trader in real market.

smart trading drills

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